Digital Goa, Nov 24 – A film titled “Dear Diary”, submitted by team purple won the ’53-Hour Challenge’ launched as part of ’75 Creative Minds of Tomorrow’ initiative at IFFI. The film was appreciated by the jury for its story of a woman who is forced to confront her past trauma when she meets with her sister who wants to visit the same event where her abuse took place. The second edition of ’75 Creative Minds of Tomorrow’ concluded today with the award ceremony of the ’53-Hour Challenge’. “The five short films produced by the ‘Creative Minds of Tomorrow’ showcase their vision of India@100 and it is commendable that the best film – ‘Dear Diary’, not only has a woman protagonist, but it has also been directed by a woman,” said Union Minister of Information & Broadcasting Anurag Thakur while congratulating the winning team. “This is a testament to India’s nari shakti, and how women of the country are leading the transformation across sectors with the vision of Aatmanirbhar Bharat @100,” he added. The winning team was awarded a cheque of Rs 2,25 lakh by the jury. Team orange presented “Antardrishti (the insight)”, a story of a man who has not stepped out of his home for several years and has to confront the outside world and the smaller joys of life. The yellow team’s entry was titled “The Ring”, which centered around a young woman who is confronted with a tradition she doesn’t agree with, while team green presented “Almost”, a story of a young girl who discovers that a child can have both father and mother. Team pink presented “Sau Ka Note”, set in a world where physical money is obsolete and a child has to figure out how to use a Rs 100 note he has been given. All the five short films will premiere on Shorts Tv on November 27 across India, America , Europe and Latin America. The 75 Creative Minds selected from over 1,000 applicants, were divided into 5 teams of 15 each, each of which produced a short film on their idea of India@100, in just 53 hours. This segment of IFFI 53 has been powered by National Film Development Corporation in collaboration with Shorts TV.
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