The Aam Aadmi Party on Tuesday launched a new campaign slogan ‘Goyant Badal Jaay, Kejriwal Jaay’. The slogan was launched by AAP Goa vice president Valmiki Naik, AAP national youth vice-president Cecille Rodrigues and AAP leader Dr Vibhas Prabhudesai at Aam Aadmi Party’s Panaji office.
“In many families in Goa we are seeing youngsters are not employed, in some we are seeing that even the primary bread earner has lost their job. In such a scenario it has only been the Aam Aadmi Party that has stood by Goenkars in their time of need. Goenkars have realised that a party that can bring so much change without a single MLA deserves a chance to run Goa» said AAP national youth vice president Cecille
“Goenkars know that only Arvind Kejriwal does exactly what he says. When Arvind Kejriwal says he will give free 24/7 electricity Goenkars know that he will give that. When Arvind Kejriwal says he will provide employment Goenkars know he will give that. That’s why ‘Goyant Badal Jaay, Kejriwal Jaay’ said AAP Goa vice- president Valmiki Naik.
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