Agriculture Minister Chandrakant ‘Babu’ Kavalekar on Thursday said the government by August 2021 will complete the exercise of preparing the statewide lists pertaining to the compensation towards agricultural damages as caused by the cyclone ‘Tauktae’ and the devastating floods.
He also assured the state legislative assembly that all previous pending compensation for crop damages due to natural calamities will soon be cleared.
Goa Forward Party legislator Vijai Sardesai, during the question hour brought to the notice of the House that earlier 1,288 cases of such compensation are still pending with the government as also 119 cases are pending due to non-payment.
He also maintained that the reason given for this pendency is that the related applications were received at the fag-end of the financial year.
It was further stated that altogether 286 cases of compensation towards damage to agricultural machinery/ equipment are also pending.
Assuring to clear the same, the Agriculture Minister said the central funds related to the Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana were delayed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
He also stated that some compensation was provided to farmers through the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.
Sardesai maintained that the financial relief through the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund was meagre amount and was a mockery of cultivators.
Kavalekar informed the House that the exercise is being carried out to assess the losses/damages caused by the cyclone and the devastating floods.
“As soon as the related data is ready, the process to release the compensation to the beneficiaries will commence,” he noted.
The post Govt preparing lists on compensation for farm damages appeared first on The Navhind Times.
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