Ponda: In a tragic incident, two teenagers were feared drowned in Dudhsagar river stream at Okamb-Dharbandora on Monday. According to Ponda police, a group of seven minors, all class X students and residents of Deepnagar area, had gone for a swim in the swimming restricted area of Okamb.
As per police, out of seven, Sania Mulla (16) and Pradeep Malannavar (17) are missing and are feared drowned in the river stream.
Despite a three-hour long search operation, Ponda fire personnel could not trace the missing duo. The search operation was abandoned late in the evening owing to darkness, which will be resumed on Tuesday morning, officials said.
As per information, the incident occurred at around 4 pm on Monday when a group of seven (4 girls and 3 boys) was preparing to return from the swim. Suddenly Sania Mulla got washed away due to underwater current and Pradeep jumped in to save her. Following which both went missing.
It should be noted that many incidents of drowning have taken place in Okamb area of Dharbandora and taking note of the same, the local panchayat has put a notice notifying swimming restricted area.
The post Two teens feared drowned at Okamb-Dharbandora appeared first on The Navhind Times.
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